
DIAMOND LIFE MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL is a Pentecostal Prophetic Ministry.

This is a place of prayer and worship where God performs signs and wonders daily.

People come from across the globe to worship, pray and seek the face of God for healing, salvation, deliverance, and divine intervention in their lives.

Hundreds of testimonies are being recorded daily of people being set free from demonic attacks and miraculous healing from different ailments and infirmities.

Our Spiritual Leader, Bishop Solomon Koleayo (popularly known as the Prophet of Solution.) is a born prophet who is gifted in healing, deliverance and prophecy.

He teaches the undiluted word of God which reshape destinies.
God has used this prophetic ministry to set the captives free, brought healing and deliverance to many.

Our mission is to win souls for Christ and set the captives free and we achieves this by organizing crusades, revivals and other outreach programmes in villages and cities around the world.

We support the less privileged with free groceries, clothes, free medical care and free training on catering services, fashion designing, production of lotion, soap etc so they could be enterprising, productive, financially stable and self reliant.

We want to see every man, woman and child live a fulfilled and victorious life in Christ.

Diamond Life Ministries is made up of people who are passionate about Jesus Christ.

We believe in, and teaches about: Miracles, Faith,Jesus and all He represents, The second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,Rapture,Living a holy life, Divine Healing, Supernatural power of the Holy spirit,The prophetic ministry and the five-fold ministry, etc.

We believe everyone has greatness within them and a God ordained destiny to fulfill. That is why we are fully dedicated in equipping people and helping them discover their gifts as well as fulfilling their destinies. 


Our Pastors are educated, widely travelled and vastly experienced men and women who have dedicated their lives in serving God and humanity.We have part time and full time leaders/ pastors with business, corporate, legal, medical and other backgrounds.Every leader undergoes training and retraining to be solid in teaching of the word of God and applying the principles to building, equipping and coaching God’s people. 


Bishop Solomon Koleayo is the Founder. He is a Teacher of God’s word whose vision is to reach every nook and cranny of the world for Christ with the undiluted gospel of truth. He is a born prophet who is gifted in healing, deliverance and prophecy. He started preaching from the very tender age of six, prophesying and praying for sick people with the help and guidance of his Dad.

Five years before Solomon Koleayo was born, God revealed it to his father, Bishop Smart Ogunmeji of blessed memory (who hails from Ogotun Ekiti, Nigeria. He was a charismatic preacher and a prophet who started his church in 1976) that he will have a son that would be a great prophet to the world. God also confirmed the prophecy through many prophets to the mother, Edith when she was pregnant of the child, that the child in her womb is a gifted prophet of God who will bring liberation to many across the globe. 

True to all the prophecies, the boy Solomon at a very tender age began to exhibit a lot of characteristics of wisdom and knowledge that ordinarily a child of his age shouldn’t. The news went around which made churches began inviting him to minister and before his 16th birthday, he has ministered in hundreds of churches across 35 Nations of the world with the recording of great signs and wonders. 

He is known, and popularly referred to as “The Prophet of Solution” because he doesn’t just have the ability/gift of telling people their past, present and future, God also uses him to proffer solution to all spiritual problems brought before him. It is on record that he is gifted in using water to pray for people and great miracles in thousands has been recorded through this in many nations he has visited. 

Diamond Life Ministries International began in 2006 as a non denominational praying ministry and was involved in organizing Soul Winning Crusades in villages and cities around Nigeria with the recording of great and miraculous testimonies before launching the church planting arm in 2012 at Gwarimpa Estate, Abuja Nigeria.

Bishop Solomon Koleayo has authored several life changing books which will inspire and motivate you to the next level.


(The Praying Church)

2354 W Touhy Ave,

Chicago IL 60645, USA

Tel: +13125663570

Email: diamondlifechurch@gmail.com

Abuja Solution Ground,
Jenew Estate
Opposite Efab Verizon Estate Gwarinpa Extension,
Abuja – Nigeria


#1 Chief Sunday Audu Avenue ,

Off Specialist Hospital Road,

Gwagwalada, Abuja

Tel: +2348023499011


Over 10 years ago, I was invited to attend a miracle service hosted by Bishop Solomon Koleayo.

The man of God was preaching as if it was me alone, he was talking to in a gathering of over two thousand people.

I was shocked when he suddenly mentioned my two names from the alter and asked me to come out.

I came out and he started prophesying to me that I am a destined to be a great political leader in this country and would be lifted to a high political office.

Everything he said about me was true but sincerely, I was doubting the part where he said I will occupy a very high political office because at that time, I wasn’t a politician, I didn’t even know any politician, I kind of hated politics because of the negative stories we hear about politics and politicians and I didn’t even know anything about Nigerian politics.

I was just a lawyer managing in my legal practice.

The man of God prayed for me and said that before the end of that same month, the prophecy will start manifesting.

Few days later, to my greatest surprise, I got a call from one of the chiefs in my home town who said our traditional leader/king wanted to meet with me because some political stake holders in my state had saddled him with the responsibility of finding and nominating a good person of his choice that they will support to represent our constituency in the Federal House of Representatives.

That was how my miracle began. To cut the long story short, I ran for the elections, won and I am still been blessed in Politics today.

Join me in Praising God!

Honourable Pius, Abuja-Nigeria.

I had this stubborn cough that defiled all medications. I couldn’t eat and I lost a lot of weight that I was now looking like an HIV/AIDS patient.

All my family members, friends and loved ones deserted me because they thought they will contract the disease if they come close to me.

I couldn’t eat, drink water or do anything. I had gone to the best of hospitals both home and abroad, fasted, prayed, visited witch/wizard doctors, magicians, mallams and all manner of spiritual places but all to no avail.

I was alone in my three-bedroom house planning to commit suicide by drinking poison when I heard the voice of Bishop Solomon Koleayo over the radio speaking about my case as if it was me in particular, he was talking to.

I wrote down the numbers he mentioned on the programme and I called the church immediately. Someone picked up, prayed with me and the Church’s Anointed Water was mailed to me through FedEx. I received it the next day and as I was instructed, I added some of the blessed water to a glass of drinking water, drank it and immediately, the cough disappeared.

I couldn’t believe it myself because I used to have some doubts about miracles because I was a staunch Muslim, but this confirmed to me that miracles are real and there is power in Jesus name.

-N. Pet from Nasarawa Nigeria.

Bishop Solomon Koleayo is indeed a real prophet sent from God to deliver people from the bondage of the enemies.

I as a medical doctor who has lived in the United States for over twenty years was finding it hard to believe in the bible or in God until I met with this young prophet of God. I used to think those claiming to see visions were deceptive. I really can’t explain but I didn’t believe in pastors or prophets.

One this particular day, I reluctantly followed my sister to Diamond Life Church and the Prophet called me out, he started telling things that happened long ago that only me knows about, that I had almost even forgotten.

There is no way he would have known all those about me if he is not a seer.

This is more than real to me.

Thank you Bishop, for putting me back on the right track because only God knows where I would have been by now if God had not taken me to that church that day.

Kayode Toyosi, USA.

Some people ganged up against me in my place of work here at the National Assembly. They were telling a lot of lies with forged documents as evidence against me. I was so confused, demoralized and afraid that I thought my world had come to an end.

One morning, I was confused and didn’t know what to do when my secretary sent me a text and advised that there is this powerful man of God she knows in Gwarimpa that I should just call him and my problems will be solved.

I am a Muslim, but I didn’t think twice because I needed solution no matter where it came from. I called Bishop Solomon Koleayo and he immediately mentioned my name when he heard my voice. He said he was hearing in the spirit now that some people are ganging up against me and have cooked up a lot of lies just to destroy me. I was shocked and he said I should get twenty notes of twenty naira and distribute to alms beggars/ homeless people and my problems are solved. I then asked him, just like that?  And he said Yes. I did as he instructed me the same day and just like a dream, the next day all of them that was against me started fighting themselves and exposing all their secret plans of how they plotted to remove me from my position. All of them started having problems and were coming to me to ask for my forgiveness.

Everyone around is now peddling the rumor that I am a cultist or very diabolic, that anyone who dares me will destroyed because everyone thought I was going to be fired as it was obvious but it’s the God of the Bishop that helped me. Funny enough, I didn’t meet the Bishop until just recently and I was glad to bless him with a brand-new car.

Iliyah, Abuja-Nigeria.

I also want to thank God for using His prophet, Bishop Solomon Koleayo for healing me and bringing restoration to me.

I have been working since 1983 and I did not have anything to show for it. No house of my own, my manhood was not working, my wife left me, and I was always having nightmares.

I went to many churches, herbalists and spiritual homes but they kept telling me the source and root of my problem but couldn’t give solution. Until when I went to Bishop’s night vigil in Gbagada Lagos. He called me out, prophesied to me and gave me the handkerchief he was holding and instantly, I got my healing.

Few weeks later, I was sent on an assignment abroad from my office and God gave me so much breakthrough that I now own a house at Lekki. My wife that left me with my two kids are back. Praise the Lord.

Odemwingie Matthew, Lagos Nigeria.

I kept hearing my niece Bukky who came in from Nigeria four months ago talking about the prophet, Bishop Solomon Koleayo to her friends but I wasn’t interested because I didn’t believe in prophets and so called spiritualism but as time goes on, I noticed things where just working out for her.

Barely within four months of her return from Nigeria, she’s got a job, started a big business, got a new car and some guy proposed to marry her.

I that has been here in America for eight years had no serious man of my own, no stable job and things where generally difficult for me.

When I noticed doors I had tried opening severally without luck gets opened for Bukky without stress, I had to humble myself to call Bukky who is sixteen years younger than I am, to ask her of her secret and she told me it was Bishop Solomon Koleayo she visited in Abuja-Nigeria before she made her trip, I begged her for the Prophet’s contact which she gave me.

I called the prophet who prayed for me & sent me the church’s anointed water which I used as instructed and doors began to open for me miraculously.

People that were owing me and refused to pay began to call to pay me.

Calls started pouring in from places they promised me jobs before…I’m so happy as am planning my wedding now.

All I can say now is thank God for connecting me with the prophet.

Ibironke, Atlanta Georgia USA.

I met Bishop when I was the manager of an hotel he lodged some time ago.

I went downstairs from my office to find him complaining to the receptionist that the Air-conditioner in his room wasn’t working well, he had called them on the intercom severally, but nothing was been done about it.

I quickly intervened by having to first apologize to him and then promised to get it fixed ASAP.

He smiled and was climbing the stairs back to his room when he suddenly stopped, turned and called me to come.

He started prophesying to me and all the revelations he told me of my past were accurate as if he had known me all my life.

I had just gotten the 3rd job in 5 months after my wedding.

Before my wedding, I was one of the managers of a popular and biggest hotel in Abuja, Nigeria and was doing very well. I had an official residence, a car and a driver. But after I went for my wedding in my hometown and returned, I was handed a suspension letter which latter tuned to a sack letter without any pay. I was accused of embezzling some company’s fund which I knew nothing about.

I couldn’t even feed my new wife who had just graduated from school and yet to get a job. Things went upside down for me that at some point, I honestly contemplated committing suicide.

After some months, I got jobs in Hotels which doesn’t take two to three weeks before I fall out with the owners who get pissed with me for no reason and then fire me.

I was at the 3rd job in five months when the Prophet showed up in my life.

He prayed for me and revealed that there was a lady I dated for eight years which I promised getting married to but didn’t marry her when I was ready because of her lifestyle.

Bishop went further to reveal that the lady went to a shrine somewhere to do some charms to destroy me, my finances and to make sure my marriage to another person ends in shame.

Bishop prayed for me and promised me that there will be an all-round turn around in twenty-four hours and true to his words, by 9:15 am the next day, I received a call from the General Manager of the big hotel where I worked and was fired without pay.

He called to tell me that the management would want to have a meeting with me immediately,

I called the Bishop immediately who had already checked out and was at the airport flying to Lagos to preach but he prayed for me over the phone and asked me to go.

I went there at once and I met with all the management staff including the Chairman of the Hotel who hardly stays in Nigeria. They started by apologizing to me, they said someone who wanted to replace me framed me, but they have discovered the truth and they want me back because since I left, a lot of fraud has been taking place in the hotel.

I told them I wasn’t interested in returning to the job and I was going to sue them. they pleaded with me not to sue them for defamation of character because after I was fired, they published my name with my photographs in major newspapers in the country that I defrauded the Hotel and advised the public not to do business with me on behalf of the Hotel.

After the meeting, I was handed a cheque of thirty-five million naira ($100,000) as compensation.

Today, I am now a proud owner of my own Hotel and God is opening more business doors for me daily.

Praise the Lord!!

Thank you so much Bishop Solomon Koleayo.

Sir, you’re indeed a man of, and from God.

Bro. Oluwaseun from Abuja, Nigeria.

Few years ago, I had some serious spiritual attacks. Something like a big worm was moving inside my body and at night it will move to my neck area and would be as if it wanted to choke me to death.

I visited the best of medical doctors who ran all manner of medical tests on me but was always told nothing was wrong with me as they couldn’t see anything wrong with my system.

I also visited several great and seasoned men of God around the world for prayers and even herbalists/witch doctors for help, but the problem persisted and even grew worse that it affected my finances. I lost my job and house because I could no longer pay the mortgage.

My wife packed her stuff and left me.

When my mother in Nigeria called one night to recommend the man of God, and asked me to call him for prayers, to be honest I was skeptical because I had visited most of the great men of God you see on television and still no solution.

After several calls and persuasion from my mom, I reluctantly picked up my phone to called Bishop Solomon Koleayo and I am so glad I did because after he ministered to me over the phone, I was perfectly healed miraculously and ever since then, I have enjoyed perfect health and open doors.

He also prophesied to me that in few days, I would meet someone I knew but hadn’t seen for eighteen years and true to his prophecy, it happened accurately on the date and time he gave me.

Apart from hundreds of testimonies I hear and see people share of the great things God had used the man of God to do in their lives, God has also used him in blessing and healing over ten people I recommended him to.

Thank you so much Bishop Solomon Koleayo for being a blessing to us.

Adebayo, Los Angeles USA.

I have met, trained and mentored many men of God but I must say, Bishop Solomon Koleayo is extra-ordinarily anointed. Let me start by saying I believe the word of God in the mouth of the Bishop.

One morning in 2006, my first son Busayo called me to tell me that him and his staff got to his computer school building to find a native pot with charms and concussions at the entrance.

I rushed there immediately but I was shocked and scared of the sight I saw because I am a Yoruba man and I am very aware of how dangerous such charms are.

I called many so-called Big Bishops and other seasoned men of God from both far & near but all of them were giving me excuses why they couldn’t come. Then I remembered the Bishop who had just finished a powerful crusade & preached in some churches in Ado Ekiti. He was still bearing Evangelist Solomon then.

I called him & he said he was coming there and before I could drop the call, his car was already packed in front of my son’s office.

Without any delay, Bishop went straight to the charm, picked it up & smashed it to the ground, ordered for petrol and matches.

He set the charm on fire and got it burnt.

After that incident, Busayo my son who hadn’t a car start to experience great business patronage that he bought an SUV in two months.

I can recommend Bishop Solomon Koleayo anytime; any day because he had prophesied many things to me, my family & friends that came to pass

He was the first person who prophesied that my current state Governor would be a Governor of my state.

Man of God, I am forever grateful to God for you & to you.

Rev J. Odu,

President of Freewill Baptist Church, Ado Ekiti Nigeria.

At 34, I was bed-wetting. I woke up one morning to find out that I’ve peed on myself. I thought it was a joke until it started happening every night and it lasted for years.

That made me not to even have a girlfriend. I wasn’t allowing friends and relations to visit me so they wouldn’t know of my problem. I went everywhere to get solution but to no avail. I went to hospitals, prophets, witch doctors etc.

One faithful day, I heard my colleagues talking about the bishop of solution in Gwarimpa Estate.

They talked of how powerful he was and how people came from all over the world to consult him.

I then said to myself, how could people be coming to Abuja from all over the world to be blessed while I am here in Abuja suffering with my problem.

I traced the Church, got an appointment and when I saw Bishop, he gave me some shocking revelations and also gave me the prophetic anointing oil in one white plastic bottle which I used to anoint myself and ever since then, I haven’t bed-wetted. It’s still like a dream to me.

I praise God for this great liberation.

Gbenga, Abuja-Nigeria.

God used Bishop Solomon Koleayo to restore my marriage in 2013. My marriage was scattered. My wife left me with my kids and things were so rough for me. I was so confused until I was asked to visit the Bishop. I did, he prayed for me, prophesied to me and gave me his prophetic anointed water to use and after my prayers, my wife that vowed never to return to my house after I’ve done almost everything on earth to make her return, miraculously changed her mind and returned with my kids.

Things have turned around for me in my career.

Praise the Lord.

Egureva, Warri-Nigeria.

My tipper was stolen from where it was packed. We and the police searched every nook and cranny of this country without getting any information.

I and my wife went to many prayer houses to consult with prophets, but we still couldn’t get it.

We rushed to see the prophet, Bishop Solomon Koleayo when one of our church members told us about him.

Without us even saying anything, he asked me to pull off my shoes and bring my cell phone, I gave him the cell phone and he looked at the screen and said our tipper is somewhere in Kaduna. Bishop gave us the name of the street and asked us to go to Kaduna immediately. We went to Kaduna with two policemen where the Bishop mentioned and behold the tipper was there. it had been re-sprayed to another colour.

I have met men of God but never seen such a human so spiritual and prophetic. Thank you Lord for using this prophet for us.

Amechi, Abuja Nigeria.

I forgot all my documents and credentials in the business center I went to make photocopies and I had about two hundred thousand naira ($800) inside the envelop where the original papers where because I just came out from the bank where I went

 to make withdrawal before entering the business center. I searched everywhere without finding it.

I was devastated when my wife was told of Bishop Koleayo, we hurried there and as soon as we saw the Bishop, he told me I had lost something, and I should go to the business center where I went to make photocopies.

For heaven’s sake, I totally forgot I even went to make photocopies.

We went to the place I went to make photocopies and behold, and the woman kept the envelop for us intact without touching anything in it.
Praise the Lord.

Niyi, Abuja Nigeria.

As for me, I believe in God and His Prophet, Bishop Koleayo. I saw Bishop’s number online and I decided to call him and immediately I asked him to pray for me. He told me I am been owed a lot of money by the government and some people were sitting on my payment. He said in fourteen days, they will call me to come get my cheque.

I was shocked but wasn’t too surprised because I had read some amazing things about him online.

If the Bishop was not a true prophet of God, there was no way he would have known all that about me. I used to think those prophets prophesying on television usually get information about someone from somebody who knows them but it’s not so in this case.

Someone that hasn’t seen me. just hearing my voice and he could tell me my problems.

This is indeed amazing.

To God’s glory, as the Bishop prophesied, I was called, and my money was paid without delay.

There was nothing I didn’t do to get my money paid for over two years but without result. I was almost giving up because the stories I was being told as causes of the delay in payment were too much but after my encounter with God’s servant, everything that seem dead in my life came back again. 

Okoye, Port Harcourt Nigeria.

I attended Bishop Solomon Koleayo’s prophetic night vigil and he said we should take up anything and begin to flog our enemies. I was shocked and confused at first because I couldn’t imagine how someone would just be flogging the air and assuming he is flogging his enemies. I saw it as child’s play and as a laugh because of my catholic background.

But because of many things I have heard and read about the bishop’s miraculous works, I decided to join the congregation in doing it.

Could you believe that as I was doing it in the church’s night vigil, my mother in-law who came to visit us two weeks before then was at home screaming and crying that I was flogging her and that i should stop.

My husband was at home and heard her crying but didn’t understand what was going on. He called my cell phone, but it was on silent mode and in my purse because I was in church.

I was at the church’s night vigil praying while she was at home. she visited us as usual and was supposed to stay for just two days, but she had stayed for two weeks and wasn’t ready to go back to the east. I was aware she didn’t like me but never knew she would go that far in been the one behind my predicament.

I was married for seven years without a child. I usually get pregnant every year and then have miscarriage.

In the morning after the night vigil, I got home to meet people gathered in our home and when I asked what happened? they said my mother in-law had died that night.

When i went in to see her body, I was shocked beyond imagination as there were marks of flogging all over her body as if she was flogged/beaten to death physically.

I gave birth exactly nine months after that night vigil experience.

Praise God the God of Diamond Life.

Ogechi, Lagos-Nigeria.

Cancer-risk bacterias were found in my stomach and were resisting medications.

Did everything to get well without luck.

Was admitted in the hospital for days and it was as if things were getting worse when one of the nurses who is also a Nigerian told me about Bishop Solomon Koleayo, gave me his contact and also encouraged me to call him. I did call him, and he said I should get a glass of water, place it on the table, cover it with my right hand while I keep holding the phone with my left hand to my ear. He prayed & said Doctor Jesus will heal you today and then asked me to drink the water. I did and immediately the pain I was feeling in my stomach was gone. I called the nurses to run some tests, they did and there was no trace of bacteria anymore.

There is no distance in the working of the holy ghost.

Pastor Onuoha, Berlin.